Wednesday, October 26, 2016


This week I have drawn up a couple sketches that would connect the modular pieces together. It was something we overlooked, but it does not hold us back or put us behind schedule. Our group also had a meeting with Eric Hagstrom, Professor Furman, Ron and Ned. It was helpful to talk with them and touch base on the direction of our project in relation to Spartan Superway as a whole. In the meeting, a tour of Vanderbend Manufacturing came up.

I attended the tour to get an idea of how manufacturing is performed. It was particularly eye opening as it made me realize the major difference between designing something and building it. All the major manufacturing methods were very interesting, however, I did not see any specific tools for manufacturing the track to our specifications. I talked to a sales associate and they assured me they they could manufacture the track for us. I got the contact info of several representatives of Vanderbend and plan to meet with them soon. I need to coordinate with my group when all of us would be able to go to their manufacturing center and speak with some of their skilled workers in designing the track. I think it would be particularly helpful to have the manufacturers give some input on the design.

Throughout the week, the brackets I drafted on Wednesday has had a lot of discussion within our group. This was because the upper guide track has a very limited amount of material to work with. As a result we discussed several iterations to try and secure the guide way to the bracket. At the moment every iteration has some pros and some cons but we think our final iteration will work, but is not ideal. We may try to revise it further next semester.

This bracket connects parts of the loops and will need to be bolted together for assembly and disasembly. This was a very quick draft I drew. Jez has drawn in it in Solidworks this past week.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Our general meeting time on Wednesday was a lecture with Professor Agarwal about technical writing and the final report. With the lecture, I do not think I learned anything particularly new, however it was helpful to review specific details in writing. A simple example would be the guidelines on writing a number or using the numeric value. Generally it is not an issue, but it can help the writing flow better when done properly.

Over the course of the week, we have been working on the CAD design and FEA. So far, it appears that bracketing the upper and lower tracks on the corners could be redundant. We have decided for now that it is unnecessary but I will be looking into again when we build our rapid prototype. I do agree with my team's analysis and choice to move on. I just believe we had some reason for it in the first place. I expect that when we build our rapid prototype we will quickly find that computer analytics was correct, however I would like to double check as long as time  allows it.

I talked with the fabrication team. The more complicated bends that we are asking for should be feasible according to them. The fabrication team is planning to construct a press and dye type of machine to shape the aluminum. From what I got from them in our conversation, that is their goal, however simpler methods may need to employed.

I also talked with the mechanical bogie team and positioning to see how we want to implement sensors onto the bogie and onto the track. The space between the track and bogie is very limited and the positioning team wants to insert corrugated steel into the track. At first we looked at how we could fit all the sensors on a certain part of the bogie and work within very limited tolerances. Then realized we have some additional places the sensor could be placed on the bogie allowing for more tolerances. I briefly presented the idea of making the track wider, but everyone involved, including myself, did not like that idea because the amount of work it would require from everyone would be overwhelming.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Most of my time and effort has been exerted in the multitude of writing assignments that come with working on senior project. The essay in ENGR 195A and the essay and presentation in ME 195A. Upon completing them, I have taken a step back from senior project for just a few days. This was only temporary and in the past 24 hours, there has been a need for more communication with my group and the whole 1/12th scale team. I have made little progress on the track personally, however, I have maintained communication with other groups to remain in the loop and allow others dependent on me to make progress.

Going forward we need to complete FEA and start building the rapid prototype. I know that many parts are available in the design center. What I am not sure about as we begin to think about what needs to be order, is how do we, as a team, get funding. Is there a form we need to submit to someone? Someone to talk to? I know we submitted a proposed budget but I'm not sure what our approved budget is. I will probably ask during the start of class when Eric does announcements.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


On the 28th we saw a number of presentations. We saw where other groups are at along their design process. I don't think our group is behind in comparison with the other groups, however, I believe other groups have completed more work than we have. I have been making some hand sketches over the last week to give some design ideas and those sketches are in process of being drawn in SolidWorks.

A majority of my time spent for this class in the last week has been revising the presentation that we will be presenting on October 5th. It's also been spent writing an essay for meeting Mechanical Engineering major requirements. The essay had me researching a number of societal issues the Spartan Superway could be addressing. It was good to think about very different types of problems the project could solve. From this point forward, its time to get focused on the project itself and spend most of my time and energy actually working on the project.