Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Week 3

Last week we started to get a better idea of what we would like to accomplish. We talked with Eric to figure out what our responsibilities are. As a group we decided the main priority is getting something to work.

As a result we believe fixing the corners and making the track level is the priority. We know that we would want to make the track more modular, and we plan to do that by making the single loop more symmetrical. The mounting brackets are also a problem as they do not completely secure the track together. We plan to put a small plate on the opposite side of the bracket to make it more secure, however we may need to redesign the brackets.

We can tell the center of the constructed track was built with immense care and do not plan to mess with that part of the track. We also considered making the track have an elevation change for the pick-up/drop-off locations. Due to possible manufacturing complications, and issues it may give the other teams, we decided not to.

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